You know that little voice in your head that always says what you really feel but yet because of social politeness, you don't say those things. Well Jackie Burkhart is the embodiment of that little bitchy, selfish, snarky, and sarcastic voice inside our head. I know That 70s Show has been off for years now but Jackie Burkhart is timeless like diamonds or fondue. In the beginning of the show, she was type-casted to be the evil, bitchy one but she stole the show because she said what we all wish we could say. Sometimes I want to tell my friends that their clothes are ugly, their shoes don't match, they're being whoreish. They are some people I am better than an I want them to know that. Jackie Burkhart wasn't afraid to say all these things, to friend or foe. Donna might have been the "70s new woman" but Jackie was really the feminist of the show. She was confident in her body, self-image, and knew her worth. And with this random blogpost, I salute you JACK
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