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My Favorite TV Shows Are Back...yay for fall!

For the last 16 years of my life the start of school always coincided with the Fall TV Premiere and I never got to watch any for the shows. Although throughout college I always had a good, funny, legit excuse for not studying and procrastinating. Now that my school days are over and my job prospects seem to be looking less that great, I have all the time to watch all the TV I want! Suck on that 13 year old me, whose parents wouldn't let watch Friends!! Yes, my life is depressing right now but the return of my favorite tv shows heals me.

The returning shows I was really excited about were Revenge (if you're not on it, get on it). Spoiler alert for those avid watchers who didn't watch the premiere of season 2: Victoria is alive, Charlotte is too and in fancy rehab (FYI did you know she played 13 year old Jenna in 13 going on 30), fake Amanda/real Emily is still preggers, Jack is depressed and his bar is in trouble, Nolan has been taking boxing lessons, and Fake Emily/real Amanda is looking for her mom. Ooooh and they is a new guy: Aidan.

Oh and the show that sort of makes me want to move to Alabama (sorta), Hart of Dixie returned. Spoiler alert: Zoe picks herself, not golden boy George or Wade but in the end ends up sleeping with Wade again. Lemon got a job, I was wondering all last season what she did other than boss around every woman in Blue Bell. I guess it's ok to be 30, still living at home, with no work experience if your tall, blonde, and pretty. Oh and that girl from Girlfriends joined the show,  I don't know her name and I'm not bothering with IMDB-ing her name but she was great and I liked her accent. I think 75% of why I watch this show is because I'm addicted to southern accents.

My favorite comedies also returned: New Girl, Modern Family, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, and 2 Broke Girls.

On New Girl so far, Jess got laid off (and Schmidt blamed Obama) went off the grid, and used Nick as a fluffer (as in the porn kind). Cece is dating a non-model, extremely average, nice guy named Bobby who doesn't like music (who doesn't like music). Winston is cheating on Shelby, in his mind because they haven't had sex in a while.

Favorite Quotes from New Girl thus far:

Nick: You can't separate your feelings from sex? So what? You're a girl!
Jess: I deserve to have a shorty on the side!

Winston: You, my friend, have become her fluffer.
Nick: Like in porn?
Winston: Her emotional fluffer!

Jess: I got laid off.
Winston: What!?
Nick: Are you serious?
Schmidt: Obama...

Modern Family returned and Gloria is pregnant, which I find to be weird because when that child graduates from high school, Jay who is 65 now, is going to be really old (I'm not adding the years, I hate math) and most likely dead from natural causes. That was the only interesting story line from the season premiere and it didn't come one today, I'm guessing, because of the debate. Obama...

The Office returned for it's last season and when it finally ends, I don't whether I'm going to laugh really hard or cry really hard (my money on is both). So Jim and Pam have become boring average people but Jim has an offer to go do something sportsy with his college friend but Pam said no, so Jim is now doing it behind her back. Dwight isn't the father of Angela's baby. Angela's State Senator is having an affair with Oscar (that harlot!!!) and they're 2 new guys in the office. Jim-lite, who has the personality of a doormat and douche-heavy Dwight who tried to get Erin to do porn.

How I Your Mother returned and now the mother was not revealed and I doubt she is going to be this season! Grrr

The 2 Broke Girls are still broke. This show would be so much better if it wasn't for the laugh track and the obvious Max-has-big-boobs jokes. We get it, you have big boobs. And to make it even worse this show almost made me feel bad about wanting cupcake vending machines everywhere! Cupcake vending machines are the greatest thing since sliced bread and snuggies. I would have been so much more motivated to go to my mornings classes in college if  they was a cupcake vending machine! Not off to a great start.

But I have a new favorite comedy this fall, I didn't really care for the pilot but the second episode was ahh-maa-ziingg (in the words of Kelly Kapoor). The Mindy Project (could have had a better title) is my new favorite show because A.) I love Mindy Kaling and by I love Mindy Kaling, I mean I love her high-pitched-13-year-old-girl voice. Seriously it's like she has a helium tank lodged in her vocal cords. This show's great, it has 2 hot guys I've never heard of before. In most cases I would go say the British guy is hotter (British accent always wins) but Danny is more manly and funnier and thus he wins.
Anyways I can relate to Mindys' obsession with 80s/90s rom-coms, although when I watch them, I'm not thinking I hope this is how I meet my Mr. Darcy (wrong era but whatever). I'm thinking, who cast Billy Crystal as a lead in a rom-com, how is flying across the country to go stalk a man you heard on the radio not grounds for a restraining order, and Katherine Heigl could learn a thing about making rom-coms from Meg Ryan.

Anyways while wondering across the interweb I came upon an article that explained why The Mindy Project is important, Minday Kaling is a minority (Indian) and not your typical size 2 on tv today. All two things that are not major characteristics of most leading ladies on tv today and as a woman of color, I prolly should have noticed that instead of focusing of how much I love Kalings' chipmunk voice. Anyways this article went to say that people might not accept this show because she's not traditionally pretty or skinny and people are not used to seeing that on tv.  Blah, blah, blah, this show is freaking hilarious and I pray to the cable gods that this show doesn't get canceled because I take Kaling over Max big boobs any day.

Quotes from The Mindy Project

Mindy: After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.

Daniel: Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?

Danny: No one's really an architect, that's like a job guys have in the movies

Mindy: Taddling is when a little girl does it, when a hot woman does it it's called whistleblowing.

Oh and Grey's Anatomy returned but it's literally too depressing to even talk about.


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